Lighting is especially important for the growth of chickens, mainly reflected in the following aspects.
First, promote healthy growth of chicks.
In the brooding period, lighting not only enables the chicks to see drinking water and feed, but also promotes their healthy growth and improves the survival rate. In the first week, the lighting time can be up to 12 hours a day, with the increase of age, the lighting time gradually decreases, and the lighting intensity gradually decreases, which can prevent the occurrence of pecking.
Second, control the time of sexual maturity.
For breeding chickens and hens, reasonable lighting can control their sexual maturity time. To control growth and development and prevent premature sexual maturity , the lighting time of chickens should be short and should not be gradually extended.
Third, increase egg production rate.
During the laying period, the length, intensity and cycle of lighting time will affect the physiological rhythm and production performance of hens. It usually takes 16 hours of light a day to reach the full laying potential of hens.
Fourth, affect weight and health.
Lighting also affects weight and time to sexual maturity. Reasonable lighting can control the weight of cocks, timely sexual maturity. In addition, lighting also has an important impact on chickens' social interaction, rest and feeding. Reasonable lighting can ensure that chickens get enough feeding, drinking, social interaction and rest.
In summary, lighting is particularly important for the growth of chickens, and reasonable control of lighting time and intensity can significantly affect the growth and development of chickens, sexual maturity, egg production rate and other aspects.
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