The importance of the color of light to chickens is mainly reflected in its impact on the physiological function, growth, development and egg production rate. The specific effects of different light colors on chickens are as follows.
White Light
White light can promote the growth and development of chickens, increase muscle, fat and other components, improve body weight, and also promote the laying rate, laying amount and hatching rate.
Red Light
Red light can relieve tension in chickens and promote sleep, but it can inhibit the growth rate of chicks and young chickens, delay sexual maturity, and reduce the fertilization rate of breeding cocks.
Green Light
Green light can regulate the body metabolism and immune system of chickens, but it can inhibit the laying performance of adult hens and reduce the laying rate and hatching rate.
Blue Light
Blue light can improve chicken immunity and promote growth, but it is easy to induce chicken pecking, and reduce the disease resistance of chickens at all ages.
Yellow Light and Orange Light
These colored lights increase sexual maturity and egg weight, but yellow lights decrease egg production in adult hens.
In summary, the importance of the color of light to chickens lies in its influence on many aspects such as physiological function, growth, development and egg production rate of chickens. Reasonable selection and use of different colors of light can effectively improve the efficiency of raising chickens.
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